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Barrett Defense Calendar

Barrett Defense Calendar

The following defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. If you plan to attend a defense, be sure to inform the student ahead of time. Use the ASU Directory to locate student contact information.

To be included on this calendar, please fill out the Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.


First Name Last Name Thesis Title Date Sort descending Time Location Director Department
Audrey Eagerton Exploring Third Places in Phoenix 04/04/2025 1:00 PM Sepessy, Celeste Journalism & Mass Comm
Hannah Atwater The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Incarcerated Individuals 04/04/2025 2:00 PM Wallace, Danielle School of Criminology & Crim J
Annette Kasse The Role of Competitive Priorities in Supply Chain Efficiency and Sustainability 04/04/2025 12:00 PM Printezis, Antonios WPC Supply Chain Management
Jupiter Chao Exploring the Impact of Watching Horror Video Game Playthroughs on Managing Mental Health 04/04/2025 11:00 AM Sage 242 Mack, Robert Barrett Honors College
Kate Irwin Creative Constraints: How the Design Process Shapes Architectural Decision-Making 04/04/2025 2PM button, melissa m School Of Art
Jimmy Hanashian Aerial Analysis: Understanding the Importance of Drones in Civil Engineering 04/04/2025 1:00 PM Paul C. Helmick Center (HLMK) - Room #401 Lawrence, Chris Sch Sustain Engr & Built Envrn
Michelle Dao Evaluating the Application and Reusability of Metal Organic Frameworks for Arsenic Removal 04/04/2025 10:00 AM ISTB4 Rm 492 Garcia Segura, Sergio Sch Sustain Engr & Built Envrn
Nicholas Beeter Sector ETF Reconstitutions and its Effects on Security Pricing. 04/04/2025 2:00 PM WPC 570 Wahal, Sunil WPC Finance
Adrian Will An Interactive and Educative Engagement Model for the NFL 04/04/2025 1:00 PM Atkinson, Robert Sch Compt & Augmented Intellig
Matthew Mulderink Platform for Connecting ASU Ventures with Potential Mentors 04/04/2025 10:00 AM Osburn, Steven ENGR Academic & Student Affrs
Michael Crossley The Impact of Martial Arts and Team Sports on Self-Identity, Belonging, and Body Image in Youth Athletes 04/04/2025 1030AM-1145AM Soares, Rebecca Barrett Honors College
Bella Kekevian Enhancing the Experience: An exploration of the Popular Music program and it success and setbacks. 04/04/2025 9:00 AM Fusion on First Pena, C. Samuel MDT Music
Aiden Lyons Unveiling the Link: Examining the Correlation Between Consumption of Unhealthy Fast Food and Health Disparities in Underprivileged Communities 04/04/2025 1:00PM Zhang, Ye School of Math & Stat Sciences
Carly Steckling Shifting Periphyton Dynamics in Response to Wildfire Ash Exposure in Aridland Streams 04/04/2025 11:30 AM WCPH 439 or nbgzoomroom Grimm, Nancy Sols Administration & Faculty
Cati Iben Understanding Factors Influencing Voter Participation Among Students at Arizona State University 04/04/2025 9:30 AM Rouse, Stella Hispanic Research Center
Myleanna Vernon Developmental Disabilities Online Cookbook 04/04/2025 1:15 Mercado B104 and Hart, Teresa College of Health Solutions NT
Sarah Martin A Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Matriarchal Prehistory on Modern Feminist Thought and Philosophy 04/04/2025 1:00 PM In-Person, Room TBD Wright, Kent Sch of Civic & Econ Thought
Julia Wegiel Assessing risk profiles of youth in Arizona using the Arizona Youth Assessment System Disposition (AZYAS-DIS) tool 04/04/2025 2:00 PM University Center, Downtown Phoenix Fine, Adam School of Criminology & Crim J
Keerthi Rao Evaluating Microbial, Chemical Quality, and Contamination Risks of Cisterns in Decentralized Household Water Systems 04/04/2025 2:15 P.M B230D Voth-Gaeddert, Lee Biodesign HTM
Kameron Cochrane Antibody response to Myxoma virus in immunocompetent mice 04/04/2025 3:00 PM Biodesign Institute A L1/10-14; Rahman, Masmudur Biodesign CPD
Aethan Mackey Business Development Companies: The Hottest Trend in Specialty Finance Companies 04/04/2025 3:00 TBD Bessembinder, Hendrik WPC Finance
Maddie Peller Investigating GRASP55 in Unconventional Secretion and Stress Response in Cardiac Myocytes 04/04/2025 12:00PM Hybrid;, location TBD Mor, Tsafrir Sols Administration & Faculty
Michael Mykhaylov Building a User-Friendly Serverless Platform on Kubernetes with First-Class WASM Support 04/04/2025 2:00 PM Bazzi, Rida Sch Compt & Augmented Intellig
Alexandra Nelander AGN and Black Holes as Energy Sources for Unexpected EDGES Signals 04/07/2025 12:00PM Windhorst, Rogier School Of Earth & Space Explor
Kymber Miller KymMil Productions: A Commercial Photography & Videography Business 04/07/2025 10 AM Polytechnic Barrett Suite; LNTAHL123 Dolin, Penny Polytechnic Sch GIT Prgrms