Rome exterior architecture and pond during the day

Global Honors Flex

Global Honors Flex is an immersive experience that allows Barrett students to take honors courses while living in an honors community abroad. In Spring 2025, the program will be designed for Barrett first-year students in their spring semester, who will earn 15 honors credits while studying and living in Rome, Italy.

Once the center of Western civilization, and with a history spanning almost 3,000 years, Rome houses some of the world’s most-visited attractions. It also includes Vatican City, an independent country within Rome’s boundaries. While in Rome, students will be able to explore some of the world's most breathtaking cultural destinations, like the Vatican Museums, Trevi Fountain, Colosseum, Pantheon and Spanish Steps.

By the end of Global Honors Flex, you will complete half of your honors curriculum requirements in your first year at Barrett.

Professor teaching a class and talking to students



The program will start online for the first six weeks (Jan.-early Feb.), then you will travel to Rome to transition to in-person learning (mid-Feb.-early May) for an additional 12 weeks. Barrett Honors Faculty Fellows will teach HON-272 Human Event and two upper-level HON courses, and be in-residence for the duration of the program in Rome to provide academic support to honors students.


In addition to the Barrett honors courses, students will register for two elective courses offered by CIEE in Rome that will transfer back as honors credit.


While in Rome, honors students will attend their courses and live in residential housing provided by CIEE. CIEE staff provide support to students throughout the duration of the program.

Read about students’ experience during Global Honors Flex in Berlin in Spring ‘24.

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Rome exterior during the day