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Barrett Defense Calendar

Barrett Defense Calendar

The following defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. If you plan to attend a defense, be sure to inform the student ahead of time. Use the ASU Directory to locate student contact information.

To be included on this calendar, please fill out the Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.


First Name Last Name Thesis Title Date Sort descending Time Location Director Department
Lauren Mcfarland Investigating a Student's Understanding and Learning of the Idea of Derivative 04/02/2025 3:00PM ECA 385 Carlson, Marilyn School of Math & Stat Sciences
Sophia Godinez Summer Camp is for Me, Too!: Exploring Accessibility and Inclusion in Summer Camps 04/02/2025 1:00PM Wilson Hall Room 348 ( Jensen, Kimberly The Sanford School
Kaley Schmidt Analyzing Young Americans' Views on the Police 04/02/2025 2:00 PM Neuner, Fabian School of Politics & Global St
Isaac Beynon Statistical Modeling in Collegiate Volleyball: Structuring Data for Match Win Prediction 04/02/2025 2:00PM Schneider, Laurence School of Math & Stat Sciences
Declan Hellerman Examining Living With A Host Family Abroad And Increased Language Proficiency In Spanish: A Multiple Case Study 04/02/2025 4:30 PM Walton-Ramirez, Anne SILC
Aashwin Sodhi Do Income and Depressive Symptoms Moderate the Association between Alcohol Use and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration? 04/02/2025 1:00 PM 500 N 3rd St Hammett, Julia Edson Research Faculty & Staff
Taryn Castaneda The effect on weight training/high-intensity training on children before puberty 04/02/2025 2PM Washo-Krupps, Delon Sols Administration & Faculty
Emma Gerrard Genetics Education Unit for Late Elementary Students 04/02/2025 1:00PM LSE 305 Kazilek, Charles Sols Administration & Faculty
Michael Lopez Army ROTC Marketing Campaign 04/02/2025 2:00 PM ASU MIX Center room 101 Blum, Nita New Amer Film School
Neha Ahmed The Wasted Vote: The Stigma Surrounding Third-Party Voting 04/02/2025 10:00 AM Coor Hall 6605 Neuner, Fabian School of Politics & Global St
Anjali Backus Impact of Age on Jury 04/02/2025 10:30 Hoekstra, Valerie School of Politics & Global St
Abrielle Sanuth Is Law Violating Driving Behavior Race Specific? 04/02/2025 4:30PM Wallace, Danielle School of Criminology & Crim J
Joanna Joseph The Impact of Social Engagement on the Cognitive Performance of Older Adults During Transitional Housing 04/02/2025 3:30 Ross, Heather Edson Research Faculty & Staff
Jennifer Johnson Understanding the distribution and prevalence of viruses impacting the rodent species Microtus arvalis and the implications for human health. 04/02/2025 10:00 AM Sterner, Beckett Sols Administration & Faculty
Megan Milligan Nanomaterial-Coated Optical Fibers for In Situ Hydrogen Peroxide Production and Surface Disinfection 04/02/2025 2:30 PM ISTB4 Westerhoff, Paul Sch Sustain Engr & Built Envrn
Rachel Reyes De Los Santos Controlled Drug Release of Rhodamine from PDMS. 04/02/2025 9:00 AM Rege, Kaushal Biodesign BIT
Suraj Elango Overtourism: An Exploratory Study on How Extreme Levels of Tourism Impact The Lives of Locals in Barcelona Through Inflated Cost of Living 04/02/2025 10:00AM Briggs, Georgette Barrett Honors Polytechnic
Emma Sranske Short Film and Storytelling for Community Development and Sustainable Initiatives in Uganda 04/02/2025 10:00 AM WCPH 468 Calhoun, Craig Office of Univ Provost Tempe
Ava Chmielewski Fill the Space with Lonely Ghost: A Marketing Plan To Reduce Loneliness and Encourage Human Connection. 04/02/2025 4:00 PM FOF 304 Ju, Yang Soon ASU FIDM
Emmalyn Meyer Residential Rainwater Harvesting in Central Arizona: Tailoring Municipal Programs to Reduce Outdoor Water Use 04/02/2025 12:30 P.M. WCPH 377 Janssen, Marco School of Sustainability
Collin Shannon The Reasons Behind Southwest Airlines Gradual Collapse into Mediocracy and How to Reinvigorate this Legendary Airline 04/02/2025 12PM Zoom Drew, John Polytechnic Sch Aviation
Emiko Pham Association Between Postpartum Maternal Sleep and Depression on Infant Social-Emotional Development 04/02/2025 12:00 PM Petrov, Megan Edson Research Faculty & Staff
Luv Gopu Correlating burnout phenomenon to objective performance measure in ASU athletes 04/02/2025 10:00 AM Health North 105; Markwell, Lindsey College of Health Solutions MS
Sophia Koutsogiannis Dosage level: A Means to Manage Insecticide Resistance 04/02/2025 12:00 PM Huijben, Silvie Sols Administration & Faculty
Christopher Langenderfer Bridging Earth Observation and Community Impact: A User-Centered Approach for Monitoring Ocean Health Along the Ecuadorian Coast 04/02/2025 2:30 PM Sun Devil Hall 140 Stribling, Eric Interplanetary Initiative