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Barrett Defense Calendar

Barrett Defense Calendar

The following defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. If you plan to attend a defense, be sure to inform the student ahead of time. Use the ASU Directory to locate student contact information.

To be included on this calendar, please fill out the Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.


First Name Last Name Thesis Title Date Sort descending Time Location Director Department
Nechama Bar-Chaim Strength and Dignity Are Her Clothing 04/08/2025 7:00 PM Sage Hall 141 Cryer, Michael English
Quinn Cage Cypher Workshops 04/08/2025 4:00 PM Cottonwood 103 Osburn, Steven ENGR Academic & Student Affrs
Brianna Reinhart The No Judgment Cookbook 04/09/2025 4:00 PM Wilson Hall Room 316 Harrison, Jennifer The Sanford School
Aaron Sakai Development of DNA Origami Nanoarrays with Variable Spot Size and Distance via Silica Nanoparticles 04/09/2025 3:00PM Hariadi, Rizal Fajar Biodesign MDB
Mateo Artura Correlation Between Leadership and Employee's Work Ethic 04/09/2025 3:00PM TBD LaRosa, Julia WPC Management
Anirudh Raja Studying and writing the process of SeNP formation 04/09/2025 1:05PM Nannenga, Brent Sch Engr Matter Trnsprt Energy
Suzzanne Bigelow What Was Found in the Breaking 04/09/2025 6:00 PM Dombrowski, Rosemarie CISA-Language & Cultures
Jenna Materna Bridging Healthcare Disparities and Refugee Integration Challenges through a Clinically Centered Language Exchange Program 04/09/2025 11:00 AM TBD Coley, Brooke Polytechnic Sch EGR Prgrms
Brooke Bolsinger An Exploration of Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Digital Audio Workstations for Music Production 04/09/2025 11:00 AM Stauffer B Room #204 ( Ingalls, Todd School of Arts Media & Engr
Morgan Kubasko Growing Pains: How to teach your kids about mental health as they age 04/09/2025 2:00 PM Cronkite Building French, Lynn College Of Law
Shreyak Duggirala Character Design Portfolio Focused on the Fusion of the American Superhero Archetype with South Asian Mythology 04/09/2025 2:30 PM UGB 520 Del Rosario, Sandro School Of Art
Nicolas Renaud Analyzing the All-Sky Antenna System Developed by FreeFall for ASU 04/09/2025 3PM ISTB4 596 Jacobs, Daniel School Of Earth & Space Explor
Christian Galia The Galia Model: Harmonizing Ecology, Economy, and Well-being for Arizona Cities 04/09/2025 12PM Zoom link unless building room can be secured Hill, Alexander WPC Economics
Michael Darnall Integrated Circuit Digital-to-Analog Converter using Open Source Design Software and TinyChip Hardware 04/09/2025 2:00 PM Yu, Hongbin Sch Elect Comptr & Energy Engr
Colin Fricke Implementation of an Advanced Actuator for a Lower Limb Orthosis targeted towards Gait Assistance 04/09/2025 12:30 PM Zhang, Wenlong Sch of MFG Systems & Networks
Elisa Colard-Minardi Understanding the Effects of Unlimited Growth: Exploring the Expansion of the Valley with a Focus on the Tempe Homelessness Crisis 04/09/2025 1:00 PM 5536 Jamme, Hue-Tam School of Geog Sci & Urban Pln
Samuel Beaudry Design and Synthesis of KRAS Protein Covalent Inhibitors to Prevent Cell Proliferation in Cancer Cells 04/09/2025 3:00 PM UCENT 317 Houtchens, Jason Sch Applied Sci & Arts/D
Asha Ramaswamy Implementing A Carbon Storage Mandate: U.S. Legal Frameworks and Strategies 04/09/2025 10 AM WCPH 577 Arcusa, Stephanie Sch Complex Adaptive Systems
Sanyam Paresh Shah Scientific Poetry on the Different Research Areas in Bioinformatics 04/09/2025 6:00 PM Song Bird Dombrowski, Rosemarie Sch Applied Sci & Arts/D
Katarina Fenner The Development of Story-Based Show Design in Modern Drum Corps 04/09/2025 9:00 AM Cottonwood 103 Carrasco, Clare Barrett Honors College
Cooper Emmott State Narratives in Singapore's Public Housing 04/09/2025 10:00 AM Coor 5501 Pfeiffer, Deirdre School of Geog Sci & Urban Pln
Jordan Cordero Music Video/Short Film Production 04/09/2025 5:30 PM Mesa MIX 101 or 201 Cedanna, Janaki New Amer Film School
Maddy Signorile Athlete Mind 04/09/2025 2:30 Jackson, Victoria SHPRS History Faculty
Drake Tasev Professional Sales Curriculum: a Foundation for Students to Help Transition Into a Working Sales Environment 04/09/2025 3:00PM Gold Room Montoya, Detra WPC Marketing
Julie Lam Analyzing the Immunogenicity of Different Influenza Vaccines 04/09/2025 2:30 PM Dr. Joshua LaBaer's Conference Room Murugan, Vel Biodesign Virginia G Piper PD