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Barrett Defense Calendar

Barrett Defense Calendar

The following defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. If you plan to attend a defense, be sure to inform the student ahead of time. Use the ASU Directory to locate student contact information.

To be included on this calendar, please fill out the Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.


First Name Last Name Thesis Title Date Sort descending Time Location Director Department
Hailey Parker Phoenix from the Ashes: A Journal of Healing 04/03/2025 1:30PM Cereus 101 Takada, Emy Barrett Honors College
Paul Miller The Combined Effects of Physical Training & Fitness Testing Scores on Injury in Firefighters 04/03/2025 10:00 AM Marsit, Joseph College of Health Solutions MS
Alexa Meyer An Entrepreneur's Guidebook to Success in the South of France 04/03/2025 2:30 PM Cottonwood 103 and Byrne, Jared WPC Ctr for Entrepreneurship
Jackson Biehle Measuring Machining Capacity for Smaller Businesses 04/03/2025 5:00PM Van Orden, Joseph WPC Supply Chain Management
Hayden Brennan How Do Urban Planners Perceive The Public Interest? 04/03/2025 10:00 AM Payne Hall (EDB) L1-21 Jamme, Hue-Tam School of Geog Sci & Urban Pln
Sebastian Martinez Natural Language Processing for Enhanced Sport Data Querying and Visualization 04/04/2025 2:00 PM Gupta, Vivek Sch Compt & Augmented Intellig
Teresa Nguyen Eye and chemical sensory transcriptomic responses of Zebrafish, Danio rerio, to conspecific visual or chemical signals 04/04/2025 9:00 AM LSC 305 Martins, Emilia Sols Administration & Faculty
Khushi Patel Development and Evaluation of AI Chatbot Personas for Event Planning: A Comparative Study of Casual and Professional Interaction Styles 04/04/2025 12:30 TBD Chavez Echeagaray, Maria Elena ENGR Academic & Student Affrs
Izzy Montini Surface Molecular Interactions of Functionalized Nanoparticles with Biochemical and Environmental Implications 04/04/2025 10:30 AM TBD Navrotsky, Alexandra School of Molecular Sciences
Hannah Ivester How do Arizona milkweed species differ in their support for Bombyliidae bee flies? 04/04/2025 11:00 AM Britton, Michael Sols Administration & Faculty
Annette Kasse The Role of Competitive Priorities in Supply Chain Efficiency and Sustainability 04/04/2025 12:00 PM Printezis, Antonios WPC Supply Chain Management
Shannon Brigid Dialogues 04/04/2025 9:00 AM Schneider, Betsy School Of Art
Seth Storino Bridging Technical Skills and Leadership: How to Overcome Obstacles in Engineering Project Management 04/04/2025 11:30AM ECF122 Schoepf, Jared ENGR Academic & Student Affrs
Julia Wegiel Assessing risk profiles of youth in Arizona using the Arizona Youth Assessment System Disposition (AZYAS-DIS) tool 04/04/2025 2:00 PM University Center, Downtown Phoenix Fine, Adam School of Criminology & Crim J
Keerthi Rao Evaluating Microbial, Chemical Quality, and Contamination Risks of Cisterns in Decentralized Household Water Systems 04/04/2025 2:15 P.M B230D Voth-Gaeddert, Lee Biodesign HTM
Sydney North Cooking with Care: A Cookbook for People with Developmental Disabilities 04/04/2025 1:25 PM Mercado B Hart, Teresa College of Health Solutions NT
Aethan Mackey Business Development Companies: The Hottest Trend in Specialty Finance Companies 04/04/2025 3:00 TBD Bessembinder, Hendrik WPC Finance
Megan Langella Microanalysis of Cyanobacteria and Algae Related to Temperature-induced Oxidative Stress 04/04/2025 10AM ISTBV Lewis, Christine Biodesign Swette EB
Grant Miller Artificial Intelligence Functions in Aquaponics Website 04/04/2025 10:00 AM Zoom: Osburn, Steven ENGR Academic & Student Affrs
Sami Lu Evaluating the Application and Reusability of Metal Organic Frameworks for Arsenic Removal 04/04/2025 10:00 AM ISTB4 Room 492 Garcia Segura, Sergio Sch Sustain Engr & Built Envrn
Zoey Kartchner Ephemeral- a fantasy novel that explores how individuals interact with a narrative. 04/04/2025 10:00 AM ACMRS Conference Room Adams, Brandi English
Jupiter Chao Exploring the Impact of Watching Horror Video Game Playthroughs on Managing Mental Health 04/04/2025 11:00 AM Sage 242 Mack, Robert Barrett Honors College
Audrey Eagerton Exploring Third Places in Phoenix 04/04/2025 1:00 PM Sepessy, Celeste Journalism & Mass Comm
Nafis Fuad Topology Optimization on a Mount- Finding the Optimum Design and Materials 04/04/2025 3 PM Zoom Murthy, Raghavendra Sch Engr Matter Trnsprt Energy
Cati Iben Understanding Factors Influencing Voter Participation Among Students at Arizona State University 04/04/2025 9:30 AM Rouse, Stella Hispanic Research Center