Defense Calendar
Honors thesis defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. Visit the Barrett Defense Calendar to view upcoming defenses.
Defense and Thesis Approval Form
In consultation with your thesis committee, determine a date, time, and location for your defense. Once your defense is scheduled, fill out the Defense and Thesis Approval Form. The submission of this form is essential for your thesis director to receive an approval link on the date of your defense.
Group projects
Each Barrett student is required to submit an Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.
Thesis Director Approval
Following your defense and outcome, your thesis director will report final approval using the link that is emailed to them on the date of your defense.
Final Thesis Submission
Following your defense and Thesis Director Approval, your next step is to upload your approved final thesis to the Barrett Digital Collection. Submissions are released to the public collection following a manual review for accuracy and embargo conditions at the end of the semester. For this upload, please prepare the following:
- a brief summary of your honors thesis
- a PDF of your final approved written component saved as LastName_Semester_Year
- If applicable, additional files or creative components (photos, videos, etc.)
Group projects
Each Barrett student is required to upload a Final Thesis Submission. Consult with your group to ensure you each have the same title, summary, and documentation prior to submission.
*Embargo option
An embargo delays the release of an honors thesis to protect information of commercial value, patentable rights, pending publication or sensitive information. To place your submission into embargo status, email after you have uploaded your approved final thesis.
Formatting and Style
Use a style manual in your discipline for correct form of footnotes, bibliographies, tables of contents, title pages, and more. Consult your thesis director for best practices.