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Barrett Defense Calendar

Barrett Defense Calendar

The following defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. If you plan to attend a defense, be sure to inform the student ahead of time. Use the ASU Directory to locate student contact information.

To be included on this calendar, please fill out the Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.


First Name Last Name Thesis Title Date Sort descending Time Location Director Department
Robert Lee Rhetorician's Data 03/31/2025 2:00 PM Cottonwood Hall Rm 101 Hahn, Richard School of Math & Stat Sciences
Rashi Duttagupta Sushi Politics: The Intersection of Nationalism and Globalization in Japan and the United States 03/31/2025 1:30 PM Hedberg, William SILC
Isabelle Kolnacki The Effect of Intergenerational (IG) Programs on the Mental Health of Both Generations Participating, with a Specific Emphasis on Developmental Outcomes for The Younger Generation 03/31/2025 10:30AM Location: Health South 250 Byrd, DeAnnah Edson Research Faculty & Staff
Daniel Jung Rising Beyond the Dragon: Can US Supply Chains Afford to Lose China? 03/31/2025 1:00 PM BA 414 Collins, Gregory WPC Supply Chain Management
Charlie Perlstein Policy Proposal for the Arizona State University School of Music, Dance, and Theatre 03/31/2025 1:00 PM TBD Compitello, Michael MDT Music
Lucy Meyer Overcoming Communication Barriers in Dentistry: Analyzing Challenges in Access to Care and Implications for Patients and Providers 03/31/2025 11:00 AM Health South 408 Don, Rachael College of Health Solutions HC
Kristin McMahan Great Hearts Academies Cicero Curriculum for Speech and Debate 03/31/2025 12PM Symonds, Adam Hugh Downs School Of Comm
Raj Rathnam Differential DNA Methylation Signatures in Olfactory Bulb Tissues With Varying Neurodegenerative Disease Profiles 04/01/2025 10:00 AM Halden, Rolf Biodesign EHE
Kennedy Cahill Arizona School Educator's Trauma-Informed Attitudes and Beliefs 04/01/2025 3:00 PM Wilson Hall 416 Lindstrom Johnson, Sarah The Sanford School
Cindy Furukawa Small Hysteresis Wearable Robotic Sensor for Human Motion Measurement 04/01/2025 3:00 PM DH 213 Sun, Jiefeng Sch Engr Matter Trnsprt Energy
Elisabeth Schmid Analyzing the Relationship Between the Design of a Dental Office and Dental Anxiety 04/01/2025 3:30 PM Health North Building, 550 N 3rd St Suite 504, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Don, Rachael College of Health Solutions HC
Arvin Jha The App At Barrett (TAAB) 04/01/2025 12:00 PM Sage South 142 Fette, Donald Barrett Honors College
Olivia Malkin A Film Analysis: Step-Parents' Impact on Familial Conflict 04/01/2025 1:00 PM Wilson Hall 348 Brenneman, Luke Hugh Downs School Of Comm
Tina Ton An Investigation of Theoretical and Experimental Release Profiles in Single Layer Polyurethane Films: Advancing Drug Delivery Strategies for Biological Systems 04/01/2025 12:00 PM Vernon, Brent Sch Biological & Hlth Sys Engr
Wyatt Horner Design, Manufacturing, and Analysis of Two-Stage Solar Concentrator Prototype for Concrete Heating Applications 04/01/2025 11:00 AM Phelan, Patrick Sch Engr Matter Trnsprt Energy
Bayli Gray Math Extracurriculars and Impostor Syndrome among Women and Nonbinary Undergraduates 04/01/2025 10:00 AM Kappes, Janelle Barrett Honors College
Sreeram Kondapalli Checkmate with Algorithms: Developing a Machine Learning Chess Bot 04/01/2025 2:00 PM Zoom Samara, Marko School of Math & Stats Sciences
Isaac Wotherspoon A Complete Traffic Analysis for a Proposed Development 04/01/2025 1:30 PM Hi there, Isaac Wotherspoon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Isaac Wotherspoon's Personal Meeting Room Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a Zhou, Xuesong Sch Sustain Engr & Built Envrn
Gretchen Hoffman The Differences in Emotional Courtroom Retellings of Siblings 04/01/2025 9:00 AM Stolzenberg, Stacia School of Criminology & Crim J
Baribefe Kpee The Erasure of Girlhood in Media and How it Contributes to the Adultification of Young Girls 04/01/2025 10:00 AM Lacey, Elisabeth School of Social Transform
Grishma Basikala Design and Testing of a Dynamic Surface for Boundary Layer Analysis 04/01/2025 3:30 PM DH 202 Pathikonda, Gokul Sch Engr Matter Trnsprt Energy
Leela Udupa Assessing Mental Health Needs Among Arizona's Refugee Population 04/01/2025 4:00 PM DiVito, Brittany Edson Pre licensure
Isaac Beynon Statistical Modeling in Collegiate Volleyball: Structuring Data for Match Win Prediction 04/02/2025 2:00PM Schneider, Laurence School of Math & Stat Sciences
Aashwin Sodhi Do Income and Depressive Symptoms Moderate the Association between Alcohol Use and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration? 04/02/2025 1:00 PM 500 N 3rd St Hammett, Julia Edson Research Faculty & Staff
Taryn Castaneda The effect on weight training/high-intensity training on children before puberty 04/02/2025 2PM Washo-Krupps, Delon Sols Administration & Faculty