ASU faculty showing something on a digital screen

Honors faculty at ASU

Who are Barrett faculty? 

All ASU faculty who work with Barrett students are Barrett Honors faculty. This includes all faculty who engage with Barrett honors students through teaching honors courses and sections, guiding honors enrichment contracts, leading teaching assistants, research assistants, peer leaders, and interns, and directing and supporting honors theses. Barrett, The Honors College recognizes these ASU faculty as affiliated honors faculty. 

How do ASU faculty claim an affiliation with Barrett, The Honors College? 

Barrett, The Honors College deeply appreciates the work that ASU faculty do with Barrett students. ASU faculty are strongly encouraged to list their Honors affiliation to the Biography section of their ASU Faculty profile on iSearch and to list Barrett in their email signatures (ex. Honors Faculty, Barrett, The Honors College). 

How are faculty recognized for honors work in the annual review process?

Faculty who participate in honors teaching including honors enrichment contracts and thesis projects receive emails from Barrett Advising noting their students and honors project work. To add honors work to your annual evaluation in Interfolio use the section called: Mentorship and Student Success.  Please answer the question as yes for : “Is this mentorship associated with a Barrett, the Honors College?” and complete the section relating to your contract or thesis work.

Resources for ASU faculty

Barrett’s Academic Planning Team, led by the Vice Dean for Barrett is a resource for all ASU faculty who work with honors students. The Academic Planning Team develops and refines honors opportunities across ASU. This includes honors curriculum, honors course offerings through partnerships with ASU’s academic colleges, programs, research centers and special institutes, and individual faculty who want to create innovative honors projects. The Academic Planning Team also focuses on academic recruitment and retention strategies including Honors Thesis Pathway programs.

ASU Faculty Canvas resources include the following self-enroll courses:

Honors Enrichment Contracts

Honors Thesis Project Faculty Resources

Contact us

Please contact us if you would like to talk about honors curriculum, including honors courses, sections, honors enrichment contracts, group or individual honors theses, research projects, programs for teaching assistants or other peer leaders, as well as challenges you have encountered and ways we can collaborate to create meaningful honors opportunities for faculty and students. We are here to support the work you do with Barrett honors students.

Dr. Kristen Hermann

Vice Dean Barrett, The Honors College

Alexandra Aragon

Director of Academic Planning & Retention

Michele Trejo

Office of the Deans Specialist and Honors Course Scheduler