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Barrett Defense Calendar

Barrett Defense Calendar

The following defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. If you plan to attend a defense, be sure to inform the student ahead of time. Use the ASU Directory to locate student contact information.

To be included on this calendar, please fill out the Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.


First Name Last Name Thesis Title Date Sort descending Time Location Director Department
Madeline Hornyak Examining Politicians' Social Media Usage and its Affect on Voter Behaviors and Voter Perceptions 04/10/2025 11:00AM Coor Hall, Room 6761 Fridkin, Kim School of Politics & Global St
Ash Soriano Exploring The Complex Layers of Grief Represented in Narrative Video Games 04/10/2025 1:00 PM Bauer, DB School of Arts Media & Engr
Sanjana Ramakrishnan Understanding Adolescent Mental Health Perceptions in Guatemala: A Gender-Based Qualitative Analysis 04/10/2025 10:00 AM In-Person Location: TBD, Maupin, Jonathan Shesc
Bailey Kane Investigating Anticancer Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus Cell-Free Supernatant on FOLFOXIRI-Resistant and Wild-Type CT26 Cells 04/10/2025 1:00 PM Biodesign B; Maley, Carlo Biodesign BSS
Joshua Schuetta AUAV Pulsed Electro-Optical Modulated RF Spectrometer (PEOM-RFS) 04/10/2025 13:00 Password: 414702 Lewis, John T. Business Engagement Catalyst
Emily Parkerson Personal Bio-Meteorological Stations: Measuring Heat Transfer of the Human Body in Turbulent Outdoor Flows 04/10/2025 11:00 AM WCPH 573 Rykaczewski, Konrad Sch Engr Matter Trnsprt Energy
Duncan Kincaid An Assessment of Blockchain Technology And The Role Of Blockchain In Agricultural Supply Chains 04/11/2025 2 PM Boscovic, Dragan WPC Information Systems
Maya Willis Fluorescent and metagenomic analysis of Holomastigotoides sp. from Coptotermes formosanus 04/11/2025 10:00AM Gile, Gillian Sols Administration & Faculty
Samuel Steiner Burkina Faso's Political Evolution: How Colonial Legacies Shaped Political Systems and Fostered Self-Serving Leadership 04/11/2025 10:00AM El Hamel, Chouki SHPRS History Faculty
Skyla Cochrane The Impact of Baseline Upper and Lower Body Strength on Improvement in Reactive Step Training in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease 04/11/2025 2:00 Health North 101/103, Peterson, Daniel College of Health Solutions MS
Lee Donnelly Excavating the Queer Wristwatch: A Gendered Lineage of Wrist-Worn Time 04/11/2025 10:00 AM TBD Kirtz, Jaime School of Arts Media & Engr
Anjali Patel Testing the Stability of Different PMO-hybrid Duplexes 04/11/2025 1:30 PM ISTB1 227 Clark (SBHSE), Heather Sch Biological & Hlth Sys Engr
Emily Harris Calm: Coping Skills for Adolescents 04/11/2025 11:00 AM Jimenez Arista, Laura Sch Cnslng & Cnslng Psych/T
Maeve Botham Hydrocarbon discrimination in honeybees OR Nestmate recognition involving volatiles in Camponotus floridanus 04/11/2025 1:30 PM Location TBD; Liebig, Juergen Sols Administration & Faculty
Andrea Soto Hierarchical Structures within Universities and its Impact on Latine Students from Barrett The Honors College at ASU 04/11/2025 12:00 PM Salgado, Casandra The Sanford School
Maria Flores Language Barriers and Police Stops 04/11/2025 1:00 PM Wallace, Danielle School of Criminology & Crim J
Suhani Singh Dynamic Educational Pathways: Leveraging NLP and AI-Driven Neural Networks to Personalize Learning Through Standards-Based Microcrediting 04/11/2025 4:00 PM Osburn, Steven ENGR Academic & Student Affrs
Sophia Bowers The Power in You: Empowerment Through the Women's Power and Influence Index Using Digital Learning Tools 04/11/2025 12:00 PM Zaffar, Ehsan College Of Law
Aubrey Waters Business Culture in the United States, China, and Mexico 04/11/2025 10:00 AM Voutsas, Konstandinos WPC Management
Claire McCarthy The Captivity Conversation: A Comparative Study Through Perspectives of Zoo and Prison Systems 04/11/2025 12:00PM LSC 202 Blount-Hill, Kwan-Lamar School of Criminology & Crim J
Joyce Priebe The Captivity Conversation: A Comparative Study through Perspectives of Zoo and Prison Systems 04/11/2025 12:00 LSC 202 Blount-Hill, Kwan-Lamar School of Criminology & Crim J
Angela Wang The Impact of Gacha Game Design Mechanics on Digital Marketing Choices 04/11/2025 1:00PM Pierce, John WPC Marketing
Max Martinez Indirect vs. Direct Competition Between Different Malaria Strains 04/11/2025 9:00 AM LSC 202 Huijben, Silvie Sols Administration & Faculty
Rina Teufel The Impact of Digitization on Sorority Members 04/11/2025 1:00 PM Soares, Rebecca Barrett Honors College
Marcella Alexander The Personal and Professional Benefits of Storytelling for Artists Incarcerated in Arizona 04/11/2025 2:00 PM TBD Wright, Kevin School of Criminology & Crim J