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Barrett Defense Calendar

Barrett Defense Calendar

The following defenses are open to the ASU community. Attending a defense is an excellent opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Barrett students and to observe the process firsthand. If you plan to attend a defense, be sure to inform the student ahead of time. Use the ASU Directory to locate student contact information.

To be included on this calendar, please fill out the Honors Defense and Thesis Approval Form.


First Name Last Name Thesis Title Date Sort descending Time Location Director Department
Ryan Swart Impact of Radiative Coolers on Urban Cooling in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area 04/14/2025 12:00 PM Georgescu, Matei School of Geog Sci & Urban Pln
Bryce Mortensen The Current Status of Alzheimer's Disease and Lewy Body Dementias Misdiagnoses Based on Socioeconomic Factors 04/14/2025 3:30 PM Tempe Arizona LDS Institute of Religion, Room 102 Craig, Jeff School of Math & Stat Sciences
Samantha Deys Shared Spaces, Connected Lives: The Impact of Mixed-Use Design 04/14/2025 10:00 AM -12:00 PM Design North Underwood, Max The Design School
Zollee Williams Biosignature analysis of mirabilite from a Mars-analog site 04/14/2025 12:15 PM Trembath-Reichert, Elizabeth School Of Earth & Space Explor
Moira Semple Sex Differences Regarding the Efficacy of Psychedelics for Improving Psychological Symptoms in Young and Aged Mice 04/14/2025 11:00 AM Wexford Labs (Connect Labs by Wexford - Phoenix) Lewis, Candace Sols Administration & Faculty
Dahlia Horani The Veiled Perspective: Islamic Representation in Young Adult Literature 04/14/2025 10 AM Armstrong Hall Blasingame, James English
Movinya Gunatilaka Integrating Moodle into the Grey-Box UNI Device for Refugee Education 04/14/2025 10 AM Zhao, Ming Sch Compt & Augmented Intellig
Grant Skala Alternate Realities in American Political Media: How to Understand Bias in News 04/14/2025 4:30 PM (AZ TIME) Edson, Belle Hugh Downs School Of Comm
Griffin Lyttleton Reimagining Dr. A.J. Chandler Park: Transforming Parking Areas into Flexible Green Spaces for the Community 04/14/2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Design North Underwood, Max The Design School
Kincaid Vineyard Revitalizing Community: Equitable Design Strategies for the Downtown Chandler Senior Center 04/14/2025 10:00 AM Design North Underwood, Max The Design School
Brenna Wasson Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Community Through Social and Emotional Learning 04/14/2025 4:00 PM Soares, Rebecca Barrett Honors College
Sahana Sundaram The Legacy of Powerful Women in Indian History: Evolving as an Artist Through Bharatanatyam 04/14/2025 Olarte, David MDT Dance
Anna Magalhaes Filgueira Designing for Connection: Spaces that Feed and Unite Generations 04/14/2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Design North Underwood, Max The Design School
Anvita Makhija Evaluating the Prevalence of Puumala Virus within the Population of Bank Voles 04/14/2025 12:00 PM Sterner, Beckett Sols Administration & Faculty
Hailey Clark Tips on Navigating Nursing School 101: A Student Guidebook 04/14/2025 4:00 PM Giasson, Hannah Edson Research Faculty & Staff
Cassidy Peterson Pick Up the Pieces: A Project for Community and Mental Health Awareness 04/14/2025 7:30PM The Rebel Lounge Barra-Jean, Erin MDT Music
Anna Erwin Ethnocide and Health in Panama and Peru 04/14/2025 12:00 PM SHESC 254 Hruschka, Daniel Shesc
Joseph Balducci Characterizing Psilocybin-Induced Behavior with Motion Sequencing & DNA-Methylation Changes in Neurocircuit Regulatory Pathways 04/14/2025 10:00 AM Wexford Labs (Connect Labs by Wexford - Phoenix) Lewis, Candace Sols Administration & Faculty
Christian Thompson Comparing Approaches to Onboard Anomaly Detection for Balloon-Borne Astrophysics 04/14/2025 10:30 AM ISTB4 596 Groppi, Christopher School Of Earth & Space Explor
Destiny Anthon Movement & Margins of Public Space 04/14/2025 10 AM - 12 PM Design North Underwood, Max The Design School
Cameron Barnes Unlikely Assets: Cheap Beauty 04/14/2025 10:00-12:00 Design North Underwood, Max The Design School
Hailey Boiarsky Working Title: Feminist Barbie: How Feminist Media Has the Power to Change One's Opinions on the Definition of Feminism 04/14/2025 10:00 AM ARM 154 Woodall, Gina School of Politics & Global St
Parker Savage How the Media Rights Deals Signed by the 'Power Four' College Football Conferences Will Shape the Future of The Sport 04/14/2025 9:30 AM Coor Hall Room 4581 Jackson, Victoria SHPRS History Faculty
Maya Saroff Novel Adenovirus Discovery in Theropithecus gelada 04/14/2025 1:00 PM LSC 330 Schneider-Crease, India Shesc
Adrianne Ramos A green house in the desert: Designing sustainable agricultural stewardship in the Sonoran Desert. 04/14/2025 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Design North Underwood, Max The Design School