Speech and Hearing Science

Faculty Honors Advisors

Juliet Weinhold

About this opportunity

The BS program in speech and hearing science engages students in study of the normal aspects of the communication process, with emphasis on:

  • The human communication system, including the anatomy and physiology of the hearing and speech mechanisms
  • Normal development of speech and language production and perception
  • Speech, language and hearing science

The curriculum enables students to develop knowledge and skills to evaluate and determine speech and language deficits and disorders. Upper-division coursework introduces clinical methods and disorders of speech, language and hearing.


Honors students from any major can complete a research thesis in Speech and Hearing Science if they have the support of faculty members in the discipline. Research projects may include observations in clinical settings or classrooms, direct collection of data from participants, study or application of interventions with clinical groups or children, and/or surveys of patients or caregivers. 

The Honors thesis committee must be made up of at least two members: The thesis director and second committee member. More committee members may be added at the discretion of the thesis director. The thesis director must be a full time ASU Faculty member. The other committee member(s) may be an ASU faculty member, lecturer, or a professional in a related field.

Academic Preparation

It is strongly recommended that Barrett students who plan to complete a research thesis in Speech and Hearing Science complete the two-semester seminar SHS 498: Advanced Research Experience Seminar (ARES), which counts for automatic honors credit. 

This seminar allows students to conduct independent research projects under the supervision of a faculty member in their research lab. At the end of the Spring semester, the student presents their research in a public research poster symposium. Many Barrett students continue in that lab to complete their research thesis project. Outside of ARES, Barrett students can also participate in SHS research labs by contacting the primary faculty member and requesting an interview.

Recommended Timeline

Sophomore and Junior Years:

  • Talk to different faculty and discuss research interests and possible projects. If possible, work in the lab(s) of relevant faculty. You can earn upper-division research credit (and honors credit) for working in a lab.
  • If you intend to complete a research thesis, consider applying for SHS 498: Advanced Research Experience Seminar. This seminar allows students to conduct independent research projects under the supervision of SHS faculty. 
  • Mid-Spring Semester Junior Year: Identify the faculty member who will be the Director of your Honors thesis project. Complete the required Thesis workshop.
  • Late-Spring Semester Junior Year: With your Director, determine your thesis topic and choose the other member(s) of your honors committee. Begin developing and writing your Honors prospectus. If you are ready, submit your prospectus by the priority deadline.

Senior year:

  • In the Fall, register for SHS 492: Honors Directed Study. Consider applying for Thesis funding through Barrett: https://students.barretthonors.asu.edu/funding/thesis-project-funding 
  • If you have not done so, submit your Honors prospectus by the final prospectus deadline (usually mid-September).
  • Fall through early Spring semester, work on your research or creative project. Throughout the project, work on sections of your written thesis and give drafts to your Director for feedback.
  • Spring semester: Register for SHS 493: Honors Thesis. When you are ready, set your thesis defense date (keep an eye on the deadlines)!
  • By February, you should be ready to schedule your thesis defense. The Honors college deadline for thesis defense is usually the end of March. You should give your committee the final copy of the thesis at least two weeks in advance of the defense.
  • Submit the final thesis to the Honors College by the deadline. 

*This is a suggested timeline. Your Director may set different deadlines for drafts and meetings. You should discuss a specific timeline with your Director once you have decided on a project.

Note: This timeline is for students expecting to graduate in the Spring semester. Those students graduating in the Fall semester will have to shift each event approximately one semester earlier.

Other Honors Opportunities

We strive to support our Honors students throughout their academic program from freshman year to their thesis defense. We encourage you to talk to our faculty members. They are conducting interesting research in a wide range of areas and would be happy to show you their labs and discuss possible projects with you. Honors projects from previous years have been presented at national conferences and published in prestigious research journals. We hope that the completion of your Honors project will be an exciting and fulfilling experience for you. Honors contracts are offered in almost all SHS courses (upper and lower-division). Please contact your instructor for additional information.

Any Barrett student who is considering majoring or minoring in Speech and Hearing Science should contact Dr. Juliet Weinhold.


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