Software Engineering

Faculty Honors Advisors

Robert Heinrichs

About this opportunity

The software engineering program blends engineering, computing, project leadership and software construction. Graduates of the BS in software engineering possess knowledge and skills of a defined engineering approach to complex systems analysis, planning, design and construction. The program has a unique, project-driven curriculum, establishing a new model of communication, teamwork, critical thinking and professionalism.

Students learn by solving engaging projects, commonly as a member of a development team. In every semester of the program, students complete projects that provide emphasis in communication, teamwork, critical thinking and professionalism. They have flexibility in designing their course of study, selecting technical electives from a pool of courses in different software engineering application areas such as web and mobile applications, embedded systems and other interdisciplinary areas.

Any Barrett student who is considering majoring in "Software Engineering" should contact their FHA. 


Software Engineering students can utilize up to 6 credits of SER 492 Honors Directed Study and SER 493 Honors Thesis as Software Engineering Electives. These two courses can be taken in the senior year. Thesis projects can range from research and development to product development. Software engineers solve a broad set of trans-disciplinary problems and apply new technologies to improve quality of life. Potential thesis topics/projects might include: 

  • Creating applications for mobile devices
  • Creating web applications
  • Designing, creating and validating software for avionics, robotics and similar systems fields

Academic Preparation

During the program students will work towards three core areas and should consider related honors projects and research: 

  • Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics (ABET 1)
  • Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. (ABET 2)
  • Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools and processes necessary for software engineering practice. (ABET-SER1)

Recommended Timeline

Students typically begin to work on their thesis topic in their junior year and complete the project in their last two semesters. Defense of honors theses should be completed by mid-spring of the senior year. Many students use research from past semesters with Engineering faculty and Fulton Schools of Engineering Research programs such as Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI) and the Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP) for thesis work. 

Other Honors Opportunities

Students are encouraged to plan ahead by completing honors enrichment contracts and starting research early in their academic careers. The Fulton Engineering Student Hub is an excellent resource for students. 


Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering


Polytechnic, Online

Academic Unit

School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence (SCAI)