Physics & Biophysics

Faculty Honors Advisors

Ralph Chamberlin

About this opportunity

Physics is concerned with the nature, structure and interactions of matter and radiation. The BA program in physics provides a flexible and efficient option for students who are interested in a liberal arts degree that provides them a broad knowledge of physics. This degree program also is ideal for students seeking to complete two degrees, with physics as the second degree.The program combines innovative learning methods with time-tested classroom and laboratory experiences for an education that is thorough in physics training and flexible enough to encourage interdisciplinary opportunities in areas such as chemistry, biology and materials science.

In the BS program in physics, students develop general problem-solving skills that enable them to interpret and solve new problems covering virtually any phenomenon in the physical universe, including classical or quantum systems, electric or magnetic behavior, and thermal or statistical physics.The BS program in physics provides a solid foundation in physical science and mathematics, and prepares students for further graduate study in physics, other sciences or engineering programs.

The BS program in biophysics uses the methods and theories of physics to study biological systems. This includes gaining a working understanding of principles that govern all scales of biological organization, from molecular processes of life to organisms and ecosystems.Students are exposed to novel learning methods and laboratory experiences, with additional opportunities to conduct independent research and work directly with faculty in the field. This strong foundation prepares students to seek roles within academia, medicine, renewable energy, research and technology.

Physics is the broadest science, and the foundation of all engineering. Thus, physics and biophysics majors are trained at a fundamental level in a broad range of topics, and graduates find work in many diverse areas of science and technology.



A physics thesis for the Barrett Honors College generally involves research in an area of interest to the student that overlaps with research on campus. Research may involve experiments, theory, computer simulations, or a mixture of these broad methods of research. The research may be closely guided by the thesis director, or the director may primarily provide general guidelines for the independent research of the student. Ideally the thesis will yield publishable results that will greatly benefit a student in their future career in graduate school, and beyond.

Academic Preparation

Most physics research involves advanced topics that require a firm grasp of physics fundamentals. Students interested in theoretical physics should excel in all lower-division courses (PHY 201/252), and should be well-prepared for (or currently taking) the upper-division courses (PHY 302/310/314). Students interested in experimental physics should be comfortable with the topics and skills learned in the upper-division laboratories (PHY 333/334). Experience with computers (especially programming) and/or machining skills (mechanical instruments) are very desirable for physics research, and can often help students find productive employment early during their time at ASU.

Recommended Timeline

As early as possible, students should explore on-campus research topics that might interest them by visiting online web pages, or through consultation with the FHA. Students should try to connect with a research group as soon as possible. For some students this will be during their 3rd-4th semesters at ASU. However, because a firm grasp of physics fundamentals is required for most physics research, many students will not start their thesis research until the 5th semester. Because physics research projects can be quite time consuming, it is strongly recommended that research begin no later than the 6th semester. 

Other Honors Opportunities

Honor’s only courses: The Department of Physics has only one sequence of courses designated for BHC students, PHY 121H/131H; but these courses are usually not recommended for physics majors. The PHY121H/131H sequence is for BHC students with a wide spectrum of interests, including chemistry, life sciences, and engineering. Most physics majors should take the PHY150/151 sequence instead. Because the PHY150/151 sequence is for physics majors only, the chosen topics and the depth of coverage are tailored towards those who plan careers in physics. The relatively small number of BHC physics majors each year does not allow us to offer separate honors sections for the PHY150/151 sequence. Nevertheless, BHC students can receive honors credit in PHY150 and/or PHY151 via the Honor’s Enrichment Contract. 

Honor’s Enrichment Contracts: Most faculty members in the Department of Physics are enthusiastic about directing Honor’s Enrichment Contracts for the BHC students in their classes. These contracts will often involve additional projects, which are to be completed during the semester with the guidance of the faculty member. Most faculty also welcome input from the students on how they could further explore the ideas presented in the class. Any interested student should contact the professor as soon as possible at the start of the semester. Additional information can be found by following this

Honors credit for key physics classes: Two of the core courses in the physics-majors’ curriculum have been designated to receive honors credit. BHC students who successfully complete PHY 201 (Mathematical Methods in Physics I) and PHY 333 (Electronic Circuits and Measurements I) will receive honors credit for these classes. Specifically, 3 hours of lower-division honors credit are given for PHY 201 and 3 hours of upper-division honors credit are given for PHY 333. These courses are required in the standard sequence of classes taken by most physics majors.  

The Department of Physics has adopted the minimum requirements of the BHC for the honors project thesis committee. Specifically: “The minimum number of committee members will be two, a director and second committee member, and only the director MUST be an ASU faculty member (lecturer or tenure-line).” Students should consult their thesis director or the FHA for Physics for recommendations regarding this committee.


The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences



Academic Unit

Department of Physics