About this opportunity
Students in the BA program in Asian languages with a concentration in Japanese study the language, literature and culture of Japan and gain a respectable measure of competence in reading, writing and oral and aural skills in the Japanese language. Students also gain linguistic and cultural competence through the required study of classical Japanese. In addition, ASU offers summer or yearlong programs to study abroad in Japan.
Japanese is one of the most popular majors in SILC, and our graduates have gone on to successful careers in a variety of fields, including education, translation, international relations, and entertainment. We offer a range of courses focused on language (beginning through advanced level), literature, history, religion, and popular culture. Our faculty is eager to work with students interested in independent research. Any Barrett student who is considering majoring or minoring in Japanese should contact the FHA, William Hedberg.
Typically, theses have taken the form of a research paper focused on a topic of the student's choice, but we are certainly open to alternate forms of academic research as well.
Academic Preparation
Students are highly encouraged to begin their study of Japanese language as early as possible, to enable research with primary language sources later on in their academic careers. Students pursuing a major or minor in Japanese will also be required to take courses focused on Japanese literature and culture.
Recommended Timeline
It is never too early to start making (at least preliminary) plans for your thesis. Students should start thinking about their thesis by their junior year and make an appointment with their FHA to discuss possibilities and requirements. Students typically complete research and write their thesis during their senior year.
Other Honors Opportunities
The Japanese faculty is eager to offer honors enrichment contracts, and students should contact instructors on a case-by-case basis to inquire about enrichment possibilities.