Health Sciences
About this opportunity
Students in the Health Sciences program learn about health care systems and how these systems are financed and structured. Leadership and professionalism are highlighted, along with the role of providers in delivering evidence-based care. Ethical and effective communication skills are developed, preparing students for careers in the health care workforce. Today’s challenges are analyzed, leading graduates to develop innovative solutions.
- Students choose focus areas in:
- Community-based health outcomes
- Health legislation and regulation
- Health and media
- Integrative care
- Mental and behavioral health
A limited number of students each year may apply to pursue the echocardiography certificate through Mayo Clinic after taking prerequisite courses. Once the certificate is completed, students may transfer the credits to ASU and apply credits toward the bachelor's degree in health sciences. Interested students should seek CHS advising before starting coursework.
Typically, students research a topic of interest, identify a problem, and propose a solution based on thorough research. Because the program is both clinical and administrative in nature, the thesis topics are expansive, ranging from disease states and direct patient care to health care systems analysis. While typically not lab-based, projects can include qualitative research, which gives the student primary research experience. Aligned with Barrett's requirements, Health Science thesis/creative projects require a two-person committee, and are open to including additional advisors. Primary advisors must hold the title of Lecturer or higher.
Academic Preparation
Students should complete the major map courses required in the first four terms of the program. Depending on the topic, the thesis director may recommend (not require) that the student complete specific courses during the thesis process that will support their particular topic.
Students are also encouraged to start work on honors enrichment contracts and undergraduate research early in their academic career to generate thesis topic ideas.
Recommended Timeline
All Barrett Honors students are must complete a thesis prep workshop prior to enrolling in thesis credit (492 or 493). The session is designed to make certain each student has been informed about the process, expectations, and deadlines.
Typically, students finalize their topic and submit a thesis prospectus by the end of their junior year and plan to finish and defend the thesis in their final two semesters.
Other Honors Opportunities
Honors enrichment contracts allow students to enhance the academic experiences in their classes. Some courses have predetermined honors contract opportunities, while others allow student development on a case-by-case basis.
Honors students are encouraged to participate in conference opportunities. They can apply for funding through the Barrett Honors Project Fund and request Student Conference Support from the College of Health Solutions. There are student organizations for the College of Health Solutions and leadership opportunities such as CHS 101 facilitators and the Summer Health Institute camp counselor program.