Environmental Engineering

Faculty Honors Advisors

Treavor Boyer

About this opportunity

The Environmental Engineering program educates tomorrow’s engineers to solve complex environmental problems and design systems at the human, urban, and planetary scale. Environmental engineers are actively involved with:

  • Air quality monitoring and air pollution control technology
  • Analysis of fate and transport of pollutants
  • Application of sustainable design principles
  • Design of solid waste management systems
  • Design of hazardous waste containment systems
  • Design and operation of water and wastewater treatment systems
  • Remediation of contaminated soil, sediment, and water
  • Water quality, water conservation, and water reuse 

In recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of environmental engineering challenges, the degree incorporates courses from other programs in the Fulton Schools of Engineering including Chemical Engineering and Environmental Resources Management. Engineering courses build on a strong foundation in chemistry, biology, geology, physics and mathematics. Courses cover fundamental engineering concepts applied to environmental processes and environmental engineering design, as well as applied learning experiences including required internship or research experience and capstone design course.



The honors thesis is independent research or an applied project that a student or a small team of students work on under the guidance of a faculty mentor who serves as the Thesis Director. Honors thesis research in Environmental Engineering can be lab based, field oriented, computational, or other modes. 

The honors thesis in Environmental Engineering requires two committee members: the faculty Thesis Director and one additional Second Committee Member. The Thesis Director will normally be a regular faculty member in Environmental Engineering at ASU.  Adjunct faculty, faculty associates, or other qualified professionals including graduate students may serve as thesis committee members. 

The honors research must be work performed above and beyond the normal coursework required for the Environmental Engineering BSE degree. The senior capstone design project or other projects done as a normal part of a course are not eligible to be used as honors thesis research.

Academic Preparation

Students in Environmental Engineering complete their thesis research and other thesis requirements during their senior year. The scope of the thesis research is agreed upon by the student and faculty mentor. Ideally the student will have prior undergraduate research experience before beginning their thesis research. The Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI) is an excellent program for gaining research experience. Students completing the honors thesis in Environmental Engineering will enroll in EVE 492/EVE 493 during their senior year.

Recommended Timeline

Students should aim to start an undergraduate research project their third year in preparation for their thesis research in their final year. Students will finalize plans for their honors thesis including Thesis Director, Second Committee Member, and research topic and scope by the end of their junior year and no later than the start of their senior year. The thesis research and other thesis requirements are typically completed during the senior year including registering for EVE 492/EVE 493.

EVE 492 and EVE 493 may be used as technical electives that count towards the BSE degree in Environmental Engineering. Up to six (6) total credits of EVE 492/EVE 493 may be used as Technical Elective credit.

Other Honors Opportunities

Students are encouraged to plan ahead by completing honors enrichment contracts and starting research early in their academic careers. The Fulton Engineering Student Hub is an excellent resource for students. Many students use research from past semesters with MAE faculty and Fulton Schools of Engineering Research programs such as Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI) and the Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP) for thesis work


Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering



Academic Unit

School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment (SSEBE)