Environmental Design
About this opportunity
The BS program in environmental design at The Design School has an integrated curriculum designed to create a deep awareness and knowledge of issues that influence the design of built environments.
The program of study emphasizes general knowledge and design research, and offers focus areas that include innovation, technology and design strategies; and sustainability in environmental design. The curriculum provides special understanding of theories, technologies, social issues and management aspects related to the student's chosen focus area.
This program provides students with a broad base of skills and knowledge drawn from natural science, social science, arts, and engineering and integrated into environmental design.
A thesis project may include a literature review relevant to the thesis topic, a discussion of research methods, case studies, bibliography, illustrations, as well as text and graphics to present the design application of the research for the project. A research oriented thesis may include empirical research study in lieu of design application with clear research questions and field data collection, data analysis, results, discussion, and conclusions. Students will work with a two-person thesis committee: The thesis director must be a current faculty member at ASU and the second committee member can be any professional, faculty, staff, or community member with sufficient expertise in the thesis topic.
Academic Preparation
In the Environmental Design program, students begin by exploring ideas for the thesis project in their 2nd and 3rd years and connecting with faculty. Next, they take EDS 492: Honors Directed Study during the Fall semester of Senior Year with an Environmental Design (ED) faculty thesis director. The ED thesis director guides students in further developing a thesis topic and preparing for the Spring semester. During the 492, students may conduct preliminary research, such as a literature review and/or expert interviews, on the chosen topic, in consultation with the ED thesis director. The project is completed and defended the following semester in EDS 493: Honors Thesis.
Recommended Timeline
The earlier students start planning for the thesis the betters so that they are more prepared and have time to explore their topics. In general, it is recommended that students start no later than in the spring semester of junior year to start forming research inquiries and seeking thesis committee members. Students who are interested in doing field research should consider starting the research study in the Summer prior to the senior Fall semester.
Other Honors Opportunities
Honors enrichment contracts are available on the case-by-case basis in courses with college faculty. The Environmental Design program offers internship and research opportunities in The Design School and students are encouraged to apply. These opportunities can count for honors credit for Barrett students.