Communication (CISA)

Faculty Honors Advisors

Adina (Cheree) Carlson

About this opportunity

The BA in Communication explores how communication processes create, maintain and transform identities, relationships, workplaces and communities.

Through the exploration, analysis and application of human communication, students gain the knowledge, creativity and skills they need to facilitate healthy relationships and workplaces, civil and sustainable communities, and constructive intercultural interactions. With an integrative and applied emphasis on culture and communication, community advocacy and communication technologies, the program allows for a concerted focus on the rapidly changing modalities of communication occurring today. Students learn to speak effectively, communicate across cultures and critically analyze public controversy.



Any social, political or interpersonal issue must eventually be addressed through communication. Research in honors communication can be either qualitative or critically based. Students may observe the communicative behaviors in a specific context, analyze texts produced by organizations or media outlets, or assess the effectiveness of leadership strategies.

Honors projects have typically taken the form of a written thesis. Students are encouraged to consider web based or video projects if the subject lends itself to that medium.

Academic Preparation

We welcome Barrett students and offer many opportunities for an enriched undergraduate experience. A variety of COM courses offered by CISA may be taken for honors enrichment contracts including: 

  • COM 316: Gender and Communication
  • COM 323: Communication Approaches to Popular Culture
  • COM 326: Court Room Oratory
  • COM 371: Language, Culture, and Communication
  • COM 400: Identity and Diversity in Organizations
  • COM 420: Rhetoric and Community Advocacy
  • COM 428: Graphic Novels and Popular Culture
  • COM 464: Communicative Sexualities
  • COM 467: Digital Rhetoric

Note- This list is subject to change and does not guarantee honors credit. It depends on the faculty instructor's agreement to work on honors contract work. Faculty may choose not to take on honors contract work in their courses or limit the number of students they work with. Reach out to FHA if you need assistance. 

Recommended Timeline

Students should start working on honors projects and connecting with faculty early in their academic careers. Students are also encouraged to engage in internships, research, and leadership opportunities, which can all lead to thesis topic ideas. 

Other Honors Opportunities

Examples of Honors Enrichment Contract projects in CISA courses have included:

  • A paper that connected issues of identity management as it intersects with social media. In particular (COM 100).
  • An in-depth examination of interpersonal deception theory and how it surfaces in everyday conversation (COM 100).
  • Interviewing individuals active in issues of gender equality and presenting the results to the class (COM 316).
  • An analysis of how CPAs used social media to market tax advice to gay couples In the wake of the Supreme Court decision regarding marriage equality (COM 400).
  • An analysis of arguments presented by plaintiffs in small claims court versus "Judge Judy" (COM 326).


College of Integrative Sciences and Arts


Downtown, Polytechnic

Academic Unit

School of Applied Sciences and Arts