
Faculty Honors Advisors

Joris Van Ouytsel

About this opportunity

The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication (HDSHC) welcomes all Barrett students. Whether you are a communication major, minor, or taking our classes as electives, we would like to help you chart your pathway of excellence in our program. 

In the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, we believe that mutual understanding, collaboration, and positive personal and social change all begin with good communication.  

The study of human communication helps students learn how to harness the power of communication to build strong relationships and communities, become effective leaders, solve complex problems and more.

Our faculty address communication issues that impact people’s lives, from socially-embedded research on local, national and global concerns that contributes to a more peaceful, prosperous and equitable future, to research that helps people communicate in healthier ways in relationships and workplaces. 



Completing an Honors thesis in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication (HDSHC) allows for a broad range of possible topics and methodologies, which include both quantitative and qualitative research. Completing an honors thesis in the HDSHC provides the first step towards establishing your expertise formally and more publicly, while it provides you with valuable research and/or creative experience. The thesis process will help you hone your investigative and critical thinking skills, as well as your oral and written communication skills, which all COM majors and employers recognize as vitally important in today’s competitive work environment.

Honors Thesis Directors: 

All full-time faculty (i.e., core faculty and full-time instructors) with Ph.D. degrees in the HDSHC can serve as Honors Thesis Directors (see Honors Thesis Directors for a list of these faculty). The second reader can be any faculty listed on our website and/or other qualified faculty with terminal degrees (e.g., Ed.D., JD, MS, MA, MFA). A third reader is OPTIONAL. A third reader can be determined by the student and faculty director and is anyone with expertise or experience relevant to the thesis. This can include graduate students.

Visit the
HDSHC website for more information about the Honors Thesis. 

Academic Preparation

Thesis projects are created on a case-by-case basis, so student should communicate with their advisors and potential thesis advisor on their academic preparation. It is recommended that students complete the core theory and methods courses (i.e., COM207 and 308), including the appropriate capstone (COM407 or 408). Coursework in the students’ specific interests would be helpful as well.

Recommended Timeline

Flowchart of process is accessible on our honors page. 

Other Honors Opportunities

Honors enrichment contracts are created on a case-by-case basis, to provide students with learning experiences beyond the general course requirements. Students and faculty should feel free to design an agreement in addition to general course expectations that is tailored to the specifics of their interaction, the expected work, and the course.

Enrichment Contract Advisor Criteria 
Honors Enrichment Contracts may only be supervised by Honors Contract Faculty. An Honors Enrichment Contract may only be negotiated with approved Honors Faculty in the Hugh Downs School. Graduate students and staff may not supervise a contract.

Honors students are welcome to join our research collaboratives to work with both faculty and graduate students on innovative projects. 

The Hugh Downs School also welcomes Barrett Honors Fellow applications, please contact the FHA for more information.


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Academic Unit

Hugh Downs School of Human Communication