Chemical Engineering
About this opportunity
Chemical engineering is a lot more than just chemistry. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, come together to enable chemical engineers to create, develop, and design new technologies and processes for converting raw materials into more useful products, forging a better future for us all. In the Chemical Engineering Program at ASU, students are encouraged to individualize their education through coursework, research and discovery, cross-discipline exploration, internships, and professional society activities. Through this multi-faceted approach, students learn how to design safe, efficient, environmentally-friendly, sustainable and economical processes and products. Barrett students who are pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering have the opportunity to work closely with world-renowned researchers through Honors Enrichment contracts in their coursework and through completion of their honors theses.
Any Barrett student who is considering majoring or minoring in Chemical Engineering should contact the lead FHA.
Typical thesis work involves original research on a topic of the student's choice. Honor students work closely with their thesis director to choose and prepare an appropriate research topic. Research projects are often, but not always, experimental research in the laboratory. Chemical Engineering follows Barrett's requirements for who is eligible to serve on Honors Thesis committees. Often students pursuing Honors Thesis spend a semester or two as a Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI student leading up to completing the thesis.
Academic Preparation
In order to successfully complete a thesis in Chemical Engineering, a student needs to be a current Chemical Engineering undergraduate student in good academic standing.
Recommended Timeline
Typically students being working on the thesis before their senior year and complete it during their junior or senior year. Many students start rotating through various research laboratories as early as their freshman year at ASU to find a group that has the right fit of with the student's interests.
Other Honors Opportunities
Honors enrichment contracts are created on a case-by-case basis in each course. Interested students should directly contact the professor teaching their Chemical Engineering course to design and complete their honors contract. CHE 211: Introduction to Chemical Processing counts for honors credit for all Barrett students.