
Faculty Honors Advisors

Michael Pearson

About this opportunity

The Aviation Programs offer comprehensive undergraduate degrees that combine academic studies with professional flight and aviation training. The program includes a focus on the state of Arizona and the national and international air transportation community for those who intend to pursue a career in aeronautical management technology. Students are provided with a technical education that serves as foundation for a lifetime of continued learning and professional development. Faculty expertise supports scholarly activities in the aeronautical profession and service to the profession.

Students can specialize in: 

  • Applied Science (Aviation) 
  • Aeronautical Management Technology (Air Traffic Management) 
  • Aeronautical Management Technology (Air Transportation Management) 
  • Aeronautical Management Technology (Professional Flight) 
  • Aeronautical Management Technology (Unmanned Aerial Systems) 

Aviation students are encouraged to augment their students with an honors education through Barrett, The Honors College. Barrett students regularly work with many Aviation faculty developing innovative programs and resources for aviation. Not only has this allowed students to learn a great deal more about the various facets of aviation, but it has also better prepared them for leadership positions in the industry. 


Aviation students have completed a variety of types of thesis projects. Topics have included qualitative and quantitative research, development of 3D models of airspace, as well as apps. Some students have worked on interdisciplinary projects with faculty from multiple academic programs, for example, aviation and biology, for a thesis focusing on the impact of wildlife at and near airports.

Academic Preparation

It is recommended that students have completed or be enrolled in a 300 or 400 level of the topic level course for which the research will be focused before starting final thesis work. For example, completion of ATC 332/432 TRACON Operations and Operations and Procedures before completing a thesis focusing on terminal radar approach control at airports.

Recommended Timeline

Students typically begin to work on their thesis topic in their junior year and complete the project in their last two semesters. Defense of honors thesis projects should be completed by mid-spring of the senior year. Many students use research from past semesters with Engineering faculty and Fulton Schools of Engineering Research programs such as Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI) and the Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP) for thesis work. 

Other Honors Opportunities

Honors students enrolled in AMT 442 Aviation Law and Regulations will automatically receive honors credit without needing to complete an honors enrichment contract. 

Aviation students have access to exciting program labs. The facilities at ASU Polytechnic campus feature two hypobaric chambers. The larger chamber is used predominantly for training purposes. The other is setup for research studies. Both are operationally flexible in that the rate of decompression can be a gentle climb to altitude or an explosive decompression. Both are capable of altitudes above 75,000 feet.


Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering



Academic Unit

The Polytechnic School