
Faculty Honors Advisors

Angela Ellsworth

About this opportunity

The School of Art Honors program includes all studio art disciplines, art studies, art education, museum studies and history of art majors. Barrett Honors College, one of the nation’s highest ranking honors college, offers students many unique academic opportunities for those studying the visual arts. The advantages of simultaneous enrollment in the Herberger College of the Arts and the Barrett Honors College are:

  • Priority registration for classes
  • Honors courses, very often transdisciplinary in nature, are taught by the most dedicated and talented faculty.
  • Participating students are eligible for exclusive scholarship opportunities
  • Students can apply for unique and challenging internship offerings at public art museums, art commissions and selected private art galleries
  • Studio art majors are offered an opportunity for a one-person BFA Honors
  • Exhibit at one of the several gallery spaces operated by the School of Art
  • Students who complete their Honors Thesis and/or Exhibition traditionally have entered highly respected graduate programs

Admission to School of Art Honors Program:
Upon acceptance into the Barrett Honors College students entering the School of Art should make an appointment to consult with the School of Art Honors Faculty Advisor. The Advisor will assist the student in selecting courses linked to their particular interests and the selection of a Faculty Honors Mentor, who will guide the student through their specific academic/studio major. In the first term of upper-division the student will meet with the School of Art Advisor to establish an honors thesis/exhibition committee. Studio majors must secure a date and space for their BFA Honors Exhibit.

Thesis/Creative Projects

Honors Contracts and Projects take a wide array of forms; the key element is that the student and the professor interact independently of classroom hours. Honors contracts have included extra reading and discussion, writing and discussion, collaboration on research, student designed projects, film viewings with discussion, and student designed lectures or labs.

Requirements: Students are required to take 36 honor credits in their degree program. A minimum of 18 of those credits must be upper division. Of the total 36-credit Barrett graduation requirement, students can complete as many as 30 of the honors credits as upper division courses. Students must also complete Honors Thesis Prep Requirement, an online workshop, before beginning their honors thesis work. Students will identify a Thesis Director and create a thesis proposal. Once approved by Thesis Director students can enroll in HON 492 and HON 493 to complete their thesis work.

Honors Contract: An Honors Contract is for a student requesting honor credit hours within the structure of a regularly scheduled class offering. This contract is allowable with full faculty and faculty associates provided the faculty associate is not teaching the class for the first time. A full time faculty member can mentor a TA to allow an honors contract for a class. Students must submit the electronic form for the contract during the first few weeks of classes.

Honors Thesis Project/Creative Project: An Honors Project is undertaken under the guidance of faculty members. Typically, students complete their Honors Thesis/Creative Project during their senior year, but students are able to start the project earlier, if they are ready. Proposals for Honors Projects are due the semester before the project will be completed. The Honors Project must contain a written component, relevant visual or academic research, and an oral defense with the committee. Each student must form a committee of three members. Faculty must be first and second readers. Faculty Associates,, Teaching Associates, and community members may be third readers.

Honors class offerings: In addition to Honors Contracts, students can get honors credit through special class offerings. Students can enroll in classes with the HON prefix. These classes provide honors credit, are conducted in seminar format, are interdisciplinary, and limit enrollment to 19 students. Another option is Honors-only Sections of courses. These classes carry the prefix of the department and may be breakout sections of a large lecture course or stand alone seminars. These classes are limited to Honors students and limit enrollment to 25 students.

Academic Preparation

The best place to begin completing an Honors Degree is with entering an Honors Contract with a full time faculty member or Faculty Associate in the School of Art. Full time faculty teach some 200 level class, but primarily teach 300 level classes. Therefore, the majority of artCORE class would not be eligible. It is recommended that students meet with the Faculty Honors Advisor at least once a year to discuss timeline, ideas, and identify potential faculty with shared interests.
Honors Contract Definition: A Honors Contract is for a student requesting honor credit hours within the structure of a regularly scheduled class offering. This contract is allowable with full faculty and faculty associates provided the faculty associate is not teaching the class for the first time. A full time faculty member can mentor a TA to allow an honors contract for a class. Students must submit the electronic form for the contract during the first few weeks of classes.

Students must complete completed the Honors Thesis Prep Requirement before enrolling in HON 492 or HON 493. You can find enrollment information online here:

Recommended Timeline

Students should start thinking about their Honors Thesis in the junior year, and identify a full time faculty member to serve as their Honor's Thesis Advisor. Students should meet with the Faculty Honors Advisor to assist with the development of a proposal and to potential faculty with shared interests. Honors Thesis Project/Creative Project: An Honors Project is undertaken under the guidance of faculty members. Typically, students complete their Honors Thesis/Creative Project during their senior year, but students are able to start the project earlier, if they are ready. Proposals for Honors Projects are due the semester before the project will be completed. The Honors Project must contain a written component, relevant visual or academic research, and an oral defense with the committee. Each student must form a committee of three members. Faculty must be first and second readers. Faculty, TA's, and community members may be third readers.

To see past creative project please visit:…


Other Honors Opportunities

Honors Thesis Project Funding: Students can apply up to $1000 for support of their thesis or creative project and up to $1500 for an external reviewer to be part of their defense. Apply for this funding online.


Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts



Academic Unit

School of Art