Applied Science & Math

Faculty Honors Advisors

C. Ryan Penton (Applied Biological Sciences, Microbial Ecology)

About this opportunity

The School of Applied Sciences and Arts is one of three schools in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (CISA) and offers forward-thinking and unique degrees in the applied sciences and mathematics, humanities and social sciences. The school is also a hub for interdisciplinary studies and serves ASU students from all majors completing general studies courses at the ASU Polytechnic, Downtown Phoenix and Tempe campuses and online. 

The degrees are primarily located on the Polytechnic campus and ASU Online. We host a broad range of major programs in Applied Biological Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Quantitative Science, Applied Science,  and Pre-Veterinary Medicine. Our faculty are engaged in a diverse array of research topics such as astrophysics, quantitative ecology, environmental microbiology, fisheries, modeling of insect interactions, reptile distributions, among others.



There is considerable flexibility of the form for a thesis project in our school. The research can be field, lab, computational, or literature based. Faculty are open to discussion regarding the theme and format of your project. Group thesis projects may also be possible. When contacting a faculty member concerning a prospective thesis, please have a couple of themes in mind and knowledge on your ideal thesis concept and outcomes. Faculty members should be chosen based on their field of expertise.

Examples of past Honors Thesis Projects: 

Dr. C. Ryan Penton (Thesis Director) 

  • Effect of microalgae application on the root rhizosphere and plant response in lettuce (Applied)
  • Gut microbiome affecting depression and anxiety
  • Antimicrobial peptide activities against the fungal infection Pseudogymnoascus destructans
  • Changes to the oral microbiome after consumption of foods high in probiotics
  • Linkages between nutrition and immunity in mammals
  • Evaluating the viability of a DNA-based chip targeted for C. trachomatis, N. gonorrhea, and other pathogens of interest.

For more examples visit the Barrett Thesis Repository. 



Academic Preparation

Again there is considerable flexibility with regard to the academic preparation of the student. Due to our program diversity (Applied Biological Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Quantitative Science, and Applied Science) there are no particular courses that are necessary to successfully complete the thesis. However, students should get to know the faculty in their courses and explore research opportunities and projects that could lead to thesis project ideas. 

Recommended Timeline

It is best if the student begins their work in the second semester or at the end, of their junior year, so that they have sufficient time to complete their scientific work before they finish writing the thesis in the second semester of their senior year. There is some flexibility and for students who are doing a literature-based project it is possible to begin the first semester of the senior year and complete everything in time to defend by the deadline of the last semester of their senior year. It is not recommended that any student attempt to start and complete a thesis in the last semester before graduation.

Other Honors Opportunities

Students are encouraged to ask about honors enrichment contracts in their courses. Students should approach faculty teaching those courses at the beginning of the semester to discuss the possibility of an honors enrichment contract. Honors enrichment contracts can take on various forms, from short papers to presentations to creative projects. We encourage students to suggest topics and projects that are of interest to them.

Examples of Honor's Contracts:

Dr. C. Ryan Penton: Emerging diseases, Sewage to track disease incidence, Why fungal diseases are becoming more widespread, Student choice of disease of interest
Dr. Nataile Welcome: Exploration of engineering internships, Spatial awareness in biology (journal articles), Aviation (journal articles), The Cubic equation, Society for the advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, Proving calculus concepts, Makers lab innovation hub exploration.



College of Integrative Sciences and Arts


Polytechnic, Online

Academic Unit

School of Applied Sciences and Arts