
Faculty Honors Advisors

Sandro Del Rosario

About this opportunity

The BFA program in art with a concentration in animation offers students a comprehensive education that preserves tradition while fostering independent innovation. The curriculum embraces new visualization methodologies and tools with the potential to drive discoveries and insights across various disciplines.


Barrett students are encouraged to be creative in their thesis work and explore ways to enhance their senior capstone for an honors thesis project. Students can view examples of class projects and senior capstone projects completed by students in the ASU Animation Spring 2023 Showcase (

It is strongly recommended that students choose the Faculty teaching their Animation Capstone course as their primary Thesis Director, as they will work in close contact with them on the project for two full semesters.

A Second Committee Member is responsible for assisting students with their project. This includes research support, reviewing drafts of the work, and providing feedback. The Second Committee Member may be a regular faculty member at ASU or a qualified professional in a related field. The specific credentials and responsibilities of the Second Committee Member may be determined by the Director and the academic unit.

Third Committee Members are often optional, but always encouraged. A Third Committee Member offers insights beyond those of the Director and Second Committee Member. They can be from multiple disciplines in either industry or the larger community. With agreement from the Thesis Director, students may also apply for the External Examiner Program, which provides funding for an expert outside of ASU to act as a Third Committee Member. An External Examiner is only eligible for the role of Third Committee Member.

Academic Preparation

In the first year, students engage in coursework that builds a foundation for them to situate animation within the realm of fine art practice. In the second year, students acquire fundamental artistic and technical skills for 2D and 3D animation production using industry-standard software. During the third year, students receive extended assistance by enrolling in upper-division courses specialized in various areas of animation production. In the fourth year, senior students, equipped with an advanced understanding of animation techniques and aesthetics, embark on the creation of a short animation film, either individually or collaboratively, throughout a one-year Animation Capstone course. Students can build off of their capstone experience for the honors thesis project. 

Recommended Timeline

Students should start connecting with the faculty early in their academic career and working on honors projects in their courses. Faculty members are dedicated to supporting a wide range of career goals, from commercial aspirations to the creation of conceptual independent artist animation films.

Other Honors Opportunities

The Animation program features a faculty of active professional artists who work at the forefront of computer-generated imagery; emerging technology (machine learning, virtual reality and extended reality); and independent animation filmmaking. Students enrolled in the program collaborate closely with faculty members, who not only impart essential knowledge but also emphasize critical concepts in their teaching, fostering interdisciplinary engagement. Moreover, students enjoy the opportunity to explore animation as an ever-expanding and evolving medium. This exploration is made possible through interactions with the state-of-the-art facilities and resources at the Media and Immersive eXperience Center in Mesa, Arizona. Designed to accommodate programs in film, media arts, design and emerging technology, the MIX Center hosts a vibrant community of hundreds of students who engage in a wide array of creative endeavors, including filmmaking, the design of new virtual worlds, video game development, and the creation of immersive media experiences across various domains.

The animation curriculum is augmented by internships offered by a wide range of arts organizations, and public exhibitions and visiting artist and scholar lectures supported by the School of Art galleries, the Ceramics Research Center and Archive and the ASU Art Museum. These events offer students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and appreciation of contemporary art and culture while building a professional network.


Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts



Academic Unit

School of Art