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Barrett Writing Center Tutor Information



Jillian Amend
Major: biological sciences
Human Event professor: Dr. Lisa Barca
Campuses: Tempe

Writing advice: The writing process can actually start as you read! Take note of anything you find interesting as you read individually or discuss with your peers in class. Corralling evidence for essay brainstorming will be easier if you have a bank to pull from. Thinking about a text and potential claims as you go can simplify coming up with a thesis idea.


Paarth Batra

Paarth Batra
Major: computer science
Human Event professor: Dr. Irina Levin
Campuses: Tempe, Online

Writing advice: We write so others can read. Make it a priority to write something that you yourself would be thrilled to read.


Keetra Bippus

Keetra Bippus (she/her) (senior tutor)(she/her)
Major: Journalism
Minor: Applied Computing
Campuses: Downtown, Tempe, Online
Human Event professor: Dr. Katie Boyce-Jacino

Writing advice: Just put everything down that you can think of and work from there! Your first draft is never going to be perfect, so learn to embrace it!



Kee Bulkowski (he/they)
Major: English and Spanish
Human Event professor: Dr. Becky Soares
Campuses: Tempe

Writing advice: Don’t be afraid to be SUPER messy while drafting! Write in all caps, curse, use informal language, leave big gaps, go on long walks to think it out, do whatever it takes to get the best out of yourself. There’s nothing “wrong” as long as you get out your ideas best you can.


Leah Content

Leah Content (she/they)
Major: criminology and criminal justice
History of Ideas professor: Dr. Dagmar Van Engen
Campuses: Online

Writing Advice: Some of the best writing comes after a break or in the most random moments. If you feel like you have no talent and can’t write, take a step back, breathe, try to look at your writing from another angle, and lastly, never be afraid to ask for help; sometimes, we need other people to help pull our greatness out of us.



Sonoran Fox
Major: architecture
Minor: business
Human Event professor: Dr. Mike Stanford
Campuses: Tempe

Writing advice: Start the writing process early! Trust me, you're lying to yourself when you say you work better under pressure. You don't, and your paper as well as your mental health will appreciate the early start.



Salma Gadhi (she/her)
Major: business pre-law 
Human Event professor: Dr. Abby Wheatley
Campuses: Tempe, Online

Writing advice: Don't worry about the quality of your first draft; it's called a first draft for a reason! It is simply a way to get all your thoughts down on the page and work through your ideas. Allow yourself to write without judgment because oftentimes, the bulk of writing an essay happens during the revision process. Your first draft is just the foundation, so don't be afraid to make mistakes!



Dash Gardner (he/him)
Major: Human Event professor: Dr. Clare Carrasco
Campuses: Tempe

Writing advice: The first step to writing a great essay is a rough and messy -- sometimes horrific -- first draft. The authors of every great literary work in history understood that perfection wasn't going to be birthed in the first attempt, but they decided to embrace the chaos and just keep writing anyways. Just as polishing a stone can reveal its true beauty, revising your work is what can turn it into something amazing. So, dive in, get messy, and trust that the real artistry happens as you shape and refine your words.



London Gathers
Major: applied biological sciences
Human Event professor: Dr. Rachel Fedock

Writing advice: Make sure to take a step back from your essay once in a while. HE essays can get especially convoluted and it’s important to review the bare bones of your argument to ensure they all make sense. Try simplifying each step of your argument to just one sentence and make sure they all fit together correctly.



Destiny Gutierrez
Major: psychology, nursing
Human Event professor: Dr. Sarah Graff

Writing advice: Make sure to take a step back from your essay once in a while. HE essays can get especially convoluted and it’s important to review the bare bones of your argument to ensure they all make sense. Try simplifying each step of your argument to just one sentence and make sure they all fit together correctly.



Manal Ijaz
Major: medical microbiology
Human Event professor: Dr. Irina Levin

Writing advice: Make sure to take a step back from your essay once in a while. HE essays can get especially convoluted and it’s important to review the bare bones of your argument to ensure they all make sense. Try simplifying each step of your argument to just one sentence and make sure they all fit together correctly.



Aryan Jain
Major: computer science, sociology
Human Event professor: Dr. Lisa Barca
Campuses: Tempe, Online

Writing advice: Mapping your ideas on paper can help reveal connections that are nonobvious even if you just sit with the text. And take calculated risks; it’s worth the reward!



Selma Krantz 
Major: health sciences
Human Event professor: Dr. Mathew Sandoval, Dr. Katherine O'Flaherty

Writing advice: Make sure to take a step back from your essay once in a while. HE essays can get especially convoluted and it’s important to review the bare bones of your argument to ensure they all make sense. Try simplifying each step of your argument to just one sentence and make sure they all fit together correctly.


Amber Lee

Amber Lee (she/her)
Major: Electrical Engineering
Human Event professor: Dr. Joseph Foy
Campuses: Tempe, Online

Writing advice: Try not to worry about perfect grammar too much. Always get your ideas and content down before returning to fix errors. A good trick to spot grammatical mistakes is to read your essay out loud at least once. Prioritize developing a solid argument and original content.



Keisha Mohan
Major: political science, history
Human Event professor: Dr. Erin Kellner

Writing advice: Make sure to take a step back from your essay once in a while. HE essays can get especially convoluted and it’s important to review the bare bones of your argument to ensure they all make sense. Try simplifying each step of your argument to just one sentence and make sure they all fit together correctly.



Siddhi Motiwala(she/her)
Major: biomedical informatics
Human Event professor: Dr. Philip Cortes
Campuses: Tempe, Online

Writing advice: If you feel like you can’t get your thoughts into words, try recording yourself talking through your ideas using the microphone feature on google docs. Once you have ideas on paper you can add and edit from there. Simply getting something onto paper might be just what you need to kickstart your writing process!


Vaikhari Nalole

Vaikhari Nalole (she/her) (senior tutor)(she/her)
Major: Biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry)
Human Event professor: Dr. Dagmar Van Engen
Campuses: Tempe

Writing advice: Writing is skill, just like playing a sport or making art, so practice makes perfect! Try not to worry about the little things and write what feels the most authentic to you. You got this!



Lila Stanley (she/her)
Major: microbiology
Human Event professor: Dr. Pete Schmidt
Campuses: Tempe, West

Writing advice: Make sure to take a step back from your essay once in a while. HE essays can get especially convoluted and it’s important to review the bare bones of your argument to ensure they all make sense. Try simplifying each step of your argument to just one sentence and make sure they all fit together correctly.


Tea Zawilak

Tea Zawilak (she/her)
Major: Biomedical Informatics
Minor: Vocal Performance
Human Event professor: Dr. David Agruss
Campuses: Tempe, Online

Writing advice: Even though writing appears to be an individual pursuit, it is actually a deeply collaborative process. Try to get as many eyes as possible on your paper- I know it seems scary to expose your ideas to a large audience, but receiving feedback is truly the most effective way to improve your writing.