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Barrett Wellness Resources


As a Barrett student you are rising to the challenge of the honors experience. You are obtaining excellent critical thinking skills and the ability to articulate on your feet in The Human Event while working with a community of scholars who are also driven to make the most of their time here at ASU and Barrett. A key element to your success, now and beyond your undergraduate experience, is knowledge of your personal strengths, motivators, and communication style. Self-awareness can allow you to leverage what makes you uniquely you, as well as help you determine how to apply this knowledge in your daily life.

Through a partnership with the Indigo Assessment, Barrett is bringing you a free tool that will build a customized report all about you! 

  • Who you are
  • What motivates you
  • What your strengths are
  • How this information applies to teamwork and communication

We urge you to take the Indigo assessment and attend a workshop. It’s helpful to attend the workshop with friends, roommates, or team members so that you can learn more about one another and how to get along and be the most effective together in a group. Look for workshop announcements in the Honors L Digest.

Indigo Assessment survey for first year students
Indigo Assessment survey for 2nd-4th year students
Questions? Contact the Barrett Advising Team at

The Barrett Guide: Health and Wellness for College Students

This is a wonderful new health guide for you produced by Dr. Doug Lakin (a Barrett alum), Debra Landau-West and Barrett 2017 alumna Carolina Abboud (as part of her thesis research).  It is for college students and partially by college students, and is full of practical health information that you can use regularly. It is half financially sponsored by Barrett but half by Dr. Lakin himself as a gift to Barrett and its students.  It is available free on iPhones as an iBook.