Student showing her thesis


Every honors thesis officially starts with the submission of a prospectus

The prospectus serves as an action plan for your honors thesis.

Before submitting your prospectus, be sure to:

  • Review the Thesis Committee Structure guidelines.
  • Meet with both your thesis director and second committee member to discuss your topic, project goals, two-semester timeline including regular meeting times, format and length for your written component, and grading criteria.
  • Discuss anticipated expenses with your committee and begin the Thesis Reimbursement Funding Application for pre-approval before making purchases.
  • Discuss the need for ASU Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval with your director and start the approval process, if appropriate.

Submit your Prospectus


Your prospectus submission must include:

  • Working thesis title
  • Thesis Director information
  • Second Committee Member information
  • 2-3 page project summary and timeline. View sample summary and timeline
  • Group member information, if applicable

Group projects: Each student is required to submit a prospectus. Consult with your group to ensure you each have similar documentation prior to submission.  

ASU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB)
All ASU and research related projects involving humans as subjects must be reviewed and approved by ASU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to implementing studies, including recruitment and screening activities. The role of the IRB is to review all proposed research involving human subjects to ensure that subjects are treated ethically and that their rights and welfare are adequately protected. Please discuss the need for IRB approval with your director and review the process at