Biological Sciences (SOLS)

Faculty Honors Advisors

James Collins

About this opportunity

In the BS program in biological sciences, students discover the basic organization and processes of life, from molecules to ecosystems. They investigate how hereditary information is transferred, how organisms evolve and the interplay of organisms and their environment.

Students can opt for the Bachelor of Science in biological sciences with no concentration, or they can choose one of five:

  • Biology and Society
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Conservation biology and ecology
  • Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior

The general degree allows students to take core courses in multiple disciplines and have flexibility to focus their study on their areas of interest.

This program is available as an accelerated degree program.


The thesis project will draw on diverse methods and approaches. Some students work in labs, others carry out qualitative social science research through surveys, still others focus on extensive literature reviews as grounding for further graduate work in the field, and some engage in writing intensive projects centered on applied learning skills. 

Students can work on campus in research labs and also engage in community projects. Some projects might have a biomedical focus, while others are more environmental in focus. Students are also encouraged to participate in interdisciplinary work for the honors thesis project. 


Academic Preparation

Before embarking on the thesis, we strongly recommend gaining a foundation in relevant course work. Students are encouraged to ask for honors enrichment contracts in their courses, get to know the faculty, explore research and internships, and consider travel programs. These experiences can all lead to a thesis topic idea. 

Recommended Timeline

The typical timeline is for the student to begin their project by recruiting a Thesis Director in the late spring semester of their junior year. Once the thesis prospectus has been developed, the fall semester of the Senior year is spent on conducting appropriate research, then the spring semester is devoted to analyzing the results of the research, writing the thesis and presenting the results to the committee members at the thesis defense. 

Other Honors Opportunities

Barrett students are encouraged to apply for the SOLS Ambassadors program and consider joining science focused ASU clubs and organizations. 


The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Tempe Online

Academic Unit

School of Life Sciences