Forensic Sciences

Faculty Honors Advisors

Jonathan Parrott

About this opportunity

Our faculty work to resolve key issues faced by our civilization, which are addressed through our research, teaching, and in our community outreach. We seek to infuse our students and the greater community with the ideals of impact, excellence, and access. We strive to create an inclusive student experience with extensive interdisciplinary opportunities. At the core of this experience is the opportunity for our students to work side-by-side with our faculty conducting authentic research in STEM disciplines. Our students are proficient in scientific inquiry and critical thinking, and ready to apply their skills to real life situations. In the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences we strive to educate and empower future STEM scholars and innovators.

Our 30+ faculty members include statisticians, mathematicians, computer scientists, forensic scientists, biologists, biotechnologists, and other natural science disciplines. Our research is funded by multiple federal and state agencies and we are one of the fastest growing research enterprises at the Arizona State University.

Any Barrett student who is considering majoring in Forensic Science should contact the lead FHA. Thank you.



In the School of Math and Natural Sciences, the thesis work can be lab-related; it can be qualitative research; or the work can be a mix of the two (a creative project). Our unit abides by Barrett's requirements for a thesis committee and encourages the participation and inclusion of trans-disciplinary faculty on appropriate theses and/or creative projects. The student should meet with a potential thesis chair early in their planning process in order to find the "best fit" for their desired thesis or project.

Academic Preparation

Students need to be prepared to communicate in writing and in person. Students are expected to have a high level of writing skills, as well as be prepared to critically discuss their topic BOTH orally and in writing. Critical thinking skills and the application of those skills are paramount at this point in the student's academic career. The student must be able to explain not only "what", but also "why" to an audience.

These skills should be acquired throughout their academic career up to this point; however, some students may still feel challenged in this area. Open and constant communication between the student and thesis committee will help to assuage any challenges in this area.

Recommended Timeline

Students are encouraged to contact a potential thesis committee chair at least one semester PRIOR to starting their 492 class. Students waiting until the semester in which they are to take their 492 class may not get to work on a thesis topic of their own choosing or design. Contact your FHA early in the year BEFORE you start your thesis to brainstorm ideas, faculty research mentors, and potential collaborations.

Once a faculty chair and committee member have been chosen, the student is encouraged to begin a very rough draft of what will become their prospectus. This early start will ensure any major wrinkles in the project can be ironed out without a large amount of time taken away from the planned project. During this "pre-prospectus" time, students should also complete any training required by the Institutional Review Board required for specific types of research projects, to include the creation and dissemination of surveys. The student will work closely with their thesis chair to determine the required training for the research being conducted. 

Students will generally work on their research or creative project design and implementation, to include date collection if required, during the semester they are enrolled in the 492 course. The 493 course time should be used to put together the material from the previous semester in a cogent, meaningful manner in written form. This time is critical for both the student and thesis chair. The student must communicate with his/her thesis chair and share their written work for feedback. This "edit and re-edit" process is just as important as the work performed in the 492 semester to produce a successful thesis.

Other Honors Opportunities

Honors enrichment contracts are available in classes in the School of Math and Natural Sciences on a case-by-case basis. Interested students should contact their faculty member/instructor directly regarding completing an honors enrichment contract for their class.

The New College also has several opportunities for undergraduate research to include the New College Undergraduate Inquiry and Research Experiences (NCUIRE) program, as well as Individualized Instruction (499) opportunities, and Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences offered each semester. Contact your FHA for more information.


New College



Academic Unit

School of Interdisciplinary Forensics